Where the Soul is Necklace
Sterling silver - reclaimed
Royston Ribbon turquoise
18k gold on the beak of the heron - reclaimed
Sturdy, very long sterling silver chain that can be adjusted by me before I send it off. I like to wear it at 18”. If you purchase this necklace, please email me and let me know the length you prefer to wear it. Dirtroadwares@gmail.com
There’s a lot to say about how I feel about this piece, but I believe the name of the necklace takes care of all of that. The Great Blue Heron, with all her grace and beauty, is an omen of the highest kind. If you love this piece, then you understand where I’m coming from. The trout is a lives deep inside of me too. When I saw this stone, I knew what needed to be done. I really love this one and I’m happy to be sending her off to someone that loves it as much as I do.
Note to buyer: The reclaiming process is a bit of a long one. Most of the sterling silver I buy is from well used jewelry that isn't being worn anymore or has been broken. I also buy used sterling silverware. I melt it all down and roll it into sheet and wire. This means that I don't have to buy freshly mined silver that is much easier to work with. Reclaimed pieces cost more because of this extra process. In the end, reclaiming metal for my wares is gratifying and worth it to me. I hope you feel the same. With love.